Monday, May 9, 2011

Healthy Skin Care: a.k.a “Baseline Routine”

      Billions of dollars are spent every year on skin care products and cosmetics in an effort to “fix” or cover up some type of skin issue.  Each month we open up the pages of a magazine, and get bombarded with advertisements selling “the-next-greatest-skin-care-technology.” It’s easy to get sucked into these ads—“hmmmmm, maybe that is the product that is going to make my skin fresh looking again.” Unless you have a solid, daily routine, it is likely that you will spend the money, and not get the results you seek.

     As a Medical Esthetician, I typically see people who “have tried everything” and are still not getting the results they want.  After a very thorough assessment, we usually discover that the foundation of their routine is not effective; therefore the products they are using are less effective, and or completely ineffective.  I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to spend $45-$75 on a hydrating serum if the active ingredients will never get to the cells they are intended to affect.

     So here it is, the baseline routine to pave the way for better skin. I will go into each component more completely during the week, but for now, here is the formula (my “prescription” if you will):

Two times a day:

1.     Cleanse

2.     Tone

3.     Moisturize

4.     Sunscreen (sunscreen should not be worn at night, however, it should be reapplied often during the day if you are outside a lot.  If you are in an office all day, you still need to apply it in the morning—more on that later).

      That’s it. That is the most basic routine that can improve your skin, and keep it healthy.  Tomorrow I will start to be more specific with each part of the routine.  Until then, follow the routine tonight, eat healthy food, drink a lot of water, and get a good night’s rest—your skin will love you for it!

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